Bitter Root RC&D
Stewards of the Rural Community

The Bitter Root RC&D, through its Bitterroot Collective Impact program, is providing Backbone Organization support to the Bitterroot Task Force on Homlessness and Housing in an effort to end homelessness and alleviate housing insecurity in Ravalli County, MT.
Because of the efforts the Bitterroot Collective Impact, as the Backbone Organization of the Bitterroot Task Force on Homelessness and Housing, to guide vision and strategy, support aligned activities, establish shared measurement practices, build public will, advance policy and mobilize funding changes are happening within the bitterroot valley community.
1. On March 8, 2018 the “Bitterroot Valley Homelessness and Housing Needs Assessment” was published.
2. Supporters for Abuse Free Environments (SAFE) received a grant for transitional housing for victims of domestic violence.
3. Ravalli County received a grant for a housing program for offenders re-entering the community to lower recidivism and create connections to the community through stable housing and case management.
A Backbone Organization in one of the five conditions of a Collective Impact Initiative. Collective Impact is a proven method of collaborating for large-scale social change.